What if the defendant claims they have already paid what they owe?

If the defendant claims that they have already paid you what they owe, you will receive a notice and a copy of the defence. You will now have to decide whether or not you accept that the money has been paid. You should give your answer in the "Claimants reply" section of the notice and send it to the court and a copy of the defendant.

Check the date by which the court needs your reply. If they do not receive your reply on time, your claim will be stopped (known as "stayed"). The only way to continue your claim after this period is to apply to the court for an order to lift the stay and there may be a fee for this.

If you tell the court you do not agree that the money has been paid, you will then be sent a notice and a Directions Questionnaire. This means that your claim will now carry on as a defended claim.

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